Под завалами. Количество жертв землетрясения в Мексике увеличилось до 273 человек - фото и видео Спектр
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Под завалами. Количество жертв землетрясения в Мексике увеличилось до 273 человек — фото и видео

 REUTERS/Scanpix REUTERS/Scanpix

Вечером 19 сентября недалеко от столицы Мексики Мехико произошло мощное землетрясение магнитудой в 7,1 балла по шкале Рихтера.

В результате стихийного бедствия погибли не менее 273 человек. В настоящее время спасатели продолжают разбирать завалы, в связи с чем число жертв может оказаться больше.

Кроме того, из-за землетрясения множество зданий в Мехико и соседних городах были разрушены, в некоторых местах города возникли пожары, повреждены путепроводы и линии электропередач.

Эпицентр подземных толчков был расположен недалеко от городка Рабосо, находящегося примерно в 123 километрах к юко-востоку от Мехико.

Землетрясение совпало с днем памяти жертв одного из наиболее разрушительных землетрясений в истории страны, произошедшего в 1985 году и унесшего жизни тысяч людей.

Что осталось от пострадавших в землетрясении городов и как ведутся спасательные работы — в фото- и видеогалерее «Спектра».

People rescue a man after an earthquake hit Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso


A damaged building is seen after an earthquake in Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Ginnette Riquelme


A man reacts near a damaged building after an earthquake hit Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Jasso


A collapsed building is seen after an earthquake hit in Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Claudia Daut


Rescuers work at a collapsed building after an earthquake in Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Ginnette Riquelme


Rescue personnel search for people among the rubble of a collapsed building after an earthquake hit Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Claudia Daut


A military helicopter flies over a collapsed building as rescue personnel look for people among the rubble after an earthquake hit Mexico City, Mexico September 19, 2017. REUTERS/Claudia Daut


epa06214611 View of the damage after a magnitude 7 earthquake on the Richter scale, that affected Puebla, Mexico, 19 September 2017. At least 119 people died in the states of Morelos and Mexico after the magnitude 7 earthquake that shook the center of the country.  EPA/Francisco Guasco


Rescuers search for survivors buried under the rubble and debris of a building flattened by a 7.1-magnitude quake in Mexico City on September 19, 2017.  The number of people killed in a devastating earthquake that struck Mexico City and nearby regions has risen to 138, the government said. / AFP PHOTO / CARLOS  RAMIREZ

AFP PHOTO / Scanpix

A car sits crushed, engulfed in a pile of rubble from a building felled by a 7.1 earthquake, in Jojutla, Morelos state, Mexico, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017. The earthquake stunned central Mexico, killing at least 139 people as buildings collapsed in plumes of dust. (AP Photo/Carlos Rodriguez)

AP Photo/Scanpix

Volunteers and rescue workers search for children trapped inside at the collapsed Enrique Rebsamen school in Mexico City, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017. The 7.1 earthquake stunned central Mexico, killing more than 100 people as buildings collapsed in plumes of dust as rescue efforts took place at the school in southern Mexico City, where a wing of the three-story building collapsed into a massive pancake of concrete floor slabs killing scores of students. (AP Photo/Gerardo Carrillo)

AP Photo/Scanpix

The Jojutla Municipal Palace stands heavily damaged after a 7.1 earthquake, in Jojutla, Morelos state, Mexico, Tuesday, Sept. 19 2017. The earthquake stunned central Mexico, killing at least 120 people as buildings collapsed in plumes of dust. (AP Photo/Carlos Rodriguez)

AP Photo/Scanpix

A woman walks past a collapsed building after a 7.1 earthquake, in Jojutla, Morelos state, Mexico, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017. The earthquake stunned central Mexico, killing more than 100 people as buildings collapsed in plumes of dust. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

AP Photo/Scanpix

A man is rescued from a collapsed building in the Condesa neighborhood after an earthquake struck Mexico City, Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017. The 7.1 earthquake stunned central Mexico, killing more than 100 people. (AP Photo/Pablo Ramos)

AP Photo/Scanpix

(170920) -- MEXICO CITY, Sept. 20, 2017 (Xinhua) -- Rescuers work on a collapsed building after an earthquake in Mexico City, capital of Mexico, on Sept. 19, 2017. More than 100 people were killed in a powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake that hit central Mexico on Tuesday, and the number of deaths is expected to rise due to the scale of the quake. (Xinhua/Nikteha Cabrera) (dtf) (Photo by Xinhua/Sipa USA)
