Очищение от грехов. Православные отмечают Крещение в ледяных прорубях Спектр
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Очищение от грехов. Православные отмечают Крещение в ледяных прорубях

Фото AFP PHOTO / Scanpix Фото AFP PHOTO / Scanpix

19 января православные христиане отмечают Крещение. Согласно Святому Писанию в этот день на реке Иордан на Иисуса Христа сошел Святой Дух, а Бог сообщил о том, что он является Его сыном.

В Крещение принято окунаться в ледяные проруби. По поверью, таким образом христиане смывают с себя грехи и болезни.

«Спектр» подготовил фотогалерею с купанием православных в купальнях.

A man takes a dip in an ice hole in a pond near the Church of Saint Euphrosyne, the Princess of Moscow, during Orthodox Epiphany celebrations in Moscow, Russia January 18, 2017.   REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

Православные отмечают Крещение в Москве Фото REUTERS/Scanpix

People queue to take a dip in the water during Orthodox Epiphany celebrations in Moscow, Russia, January 19, 2017.   REUTERS/Grigory Dukor

Фото REUTERS/Scanpix

A woman crosses herself before taking a dip in icy waters of the Bolshaya Almatinka river during Orthodox Epiphany celebrations in Almaty, Kazakhstan January 19, 2017. REUTERS/Shamil Zhumatov

Алматы. Фото REUTERS/Scanpix

A man takes a dip in icy waters of a lake during Orthodox Epiphany celebrations in Minsk, Belarus January 19, 2017.  REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko

Минск. Фото REUTERS/Scanpix

An Orthodox believer runs out of the icy water after plunging  into a pond during the celebration of the Epiphany holiday in Moscow early on January 19, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV

Москва. Фото AFP PHOTO / Scanpix

Cossacks help a boy to take a bath in the icy waters of a lake during the celebration of the Epiphany holiday near the village of Leninskoe, some 15 km of Bishkek, on January 19, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / Vyacheslav OSELEDKO

Бишкек. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

A Russian man bathes in the icy water to mark the Epiphany in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017, with the temperature in Moscow at about -6 C (21 F). Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers plunged into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day.  (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Москва. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

A Russian Orthodox believer swims in the icy water on Epiphany at a pond in Tyarlevo village outside St.Petersburg, Russia, late Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017. The temperature in St. Petersburg is minus 2 degrees Centigrade (28 degrees Fahrenheit). Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers plunged into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. Water that is blessed by a cleric on Epiphany is considered holy and pure until next year's celebration, and is believed to have special powers of protection and healing. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)

Санкт-Петербург. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

A Russian Orthodox believer, centre, crosses himself as he bathes in the icy water on Epiphany at the Church of the Holy Trinity, in Ostankino near TV Tower in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017. Water that is blessed by a cleric on Epiphany is considered holy and pure until next year's celebration, and is believed to have special powers of protection and healing. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr)

Москва. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

A Russian Orthodox believer, center, crosses himself as he bathes in an ice-cold water of the Ob River after it was blessed by an Orthodox priest on Epiphany in Novosibirsk, about 2,800 kilometers (1,750 miles) east of Moscow, early Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers will plunge into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. (AP photo/Ilnar Salakhiev)

Новосибирск. Фото AP photo/Scanpix

Russian Orthodox believers queue to bath in an ice-cold water of the Ob River after it was blessed by an Orthodox priest on Epiphany in Novosibirsk, about 2,800 kilometres (1,750 miles) east of Moscow, early Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers will plunge into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. (AP photo/Ilnar Salakhiev)

Фото AP photo/Scanpix

Russian Orthodox priest conducts a service on Epiphany at a hole in the form of Orthodox Cross at a pond in Tyarlevo village outside St.Petersburg, Russia, late Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017. The temperature in St. Petersburg is minus 2 degrees Centigrade (28 degrees Fahrenheit). Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers plunged into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. Water that is blessed by a cleric on Epiphany is considered holy and pure until next year's celebration, and is believed to have special powers of protection and healing. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)

Санкт-Петербург. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

A Russian Orthodox believer swims in the icy water on Epiphany at a pond in Moscow, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers will plunge into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Москва. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

A Russian Orthodox believer crosses himself as he bathes in the icy water on Epiphany at the Church of the Holy Trinity, left, in Ostankino near TV Tower in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017. Water that is blessed by a cleric on Epiphany is considered holy and pure until next year's celebration, and is believed to have special powers of protection and healing. The Russian Orthodox Church follows the old Julian calendar, according to which Epiphany falls on Jan. 19. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr)

Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

A Russian Orthodox believers come to bath in the icy water on Epiphany at a pond in Moscow, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers will plunge into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

Russian people prepare to bath in the icy water to mark the Epiphany in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017, with the temperature in Moscow at about -6 C (21 F). Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers plunged into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day.  (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

Russian Orthodox believers dip in the icy water in a hole in the form of Orthodox Cross on Epiphany at a pond in Tyarlevo village outside St.Petersburg, Russia, early Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. The temperature in St. Petersburg is minus 2 degrees Centigrade (28 degrees Fahrenheit). Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers plunged into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. Water that is blessed by a cleric on Epiphany is considered holy and pure until next year's celebration, and is believed to have special powers of protection and healing. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)

Санкт-Петербург. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

Russian people prepare to bath in an ice-cold water of the Ob River after it was blessed by an Orthodox priest on Epiphany in Novosibirsk, about 2,800 kilometers (1,750 miles) east of Moscow, early Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Thousands of Russian Orthodox Church followers will plunge into icy rivers and ponds across the country to mark Epiphany, cleansing themselves with water deemed holy for the day. (AP photo/Ilnar Salakhiev)

Новосибирск. Фото AP photo/Scanpix

An Orthodox believer crosses himself as he plunges into icy water during the celebration of Epiphany in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Thousands of Orthodox believers celebrate the holiday of the Epiphany on Jan. 19, and traditionally plunge into holes cut through thick ice on rivers and ponds to cleanse themselves with water deemed holy for the day. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

Киев. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

Orthodox believers, a mother and son, cross themselves as they plunge into icy water during the celebration of Epiphany in Kiev, Ukraine, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017. Thousands of Orthodox believers celebrate the holiday of the Epiphany on Jan. 19, and traditionally plunge into holes cut through thick ice on rivers and ponds to cleanse themselves with water deemed holy for the day. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

Фото AP Photo/Scanpix


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