Взрыв, дым, паника. В лондонском метро произошел теракт - фото и видео Спектр
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Взрыв, дым, паника. В лондонском метро произошел теракт — фото и видео


15 сентября на станции «Парсонс Грин» лондонского метро произошел взрыв в одном из поездов.

Полиция установила, что самодельное взрывное устройство было помещено в сумку, которую оставили у двери задней части вагона. После взрыва произошло возгорание и сильное задымление.

В результате произошедшего пострадали 22 человека, сообщает Guardian. Большинство из них получили ожоги, однако серьезных травм ни у кого не зафиксировано. В настоящее время пострадавшие находятся в больницах.

Взрыв вызвал панику среди пассажиров поезда. После происшествия люди сразу стали говорить, что в поезде взорвалась бомба, и это привело к панике. Кроме того, сначала им сказали, что они не смогут покинуть станцию до начала эвакуации.

«Люди бежали по платформе, падали с лестницы», — рассказала очевидец Лина Тимофеева телеканалу «Дождь». Она также добавила, что толпа заблокировала выход из станции, в связи с чем люди не смогли сразу выйти на улицу. По ее словам, многие паниковали и плакали.

«Мы бежали вниз по лестнице, казалось, что от этого зависела наша жизнь. Люди наваливались друг на друга, падали, пытаясь бежать так быстро», — рассказал другой очевидец телеканалу ВВС.

Позже полиция признала произошедшее в метро терактом. После взрыва ближайшие к месту происшествия станции были эвакуированы и закрыты для посещения. 

В настоящее время у полиции нет сведений о злоумышленники. Также никто не взял ответственность за теракт.

«Спектр» подготовил фото- и видеогалерею с места происшествия.

Police vehicles line the street near Parsons Green tube station in London, Britain September 15, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Coombs     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


epa06205789 Emergency services gather close to the 'Parsons Green' Underground Station in London, Britain, 15 September 2017. Emergency services have responded to reports of an explosion on an underground tube train.  EPA/WILL OLIVER

epa06205804 A woman is escorted by the emergency services away from Parsons Green Underground Station in London, Britain, 15 September 2017. Emergency services have responded to reports of an explosion on an underground tube train.  EPA/WILL OLIVER


Armed police close to Parsons Green station in west London after an explosion on a packed London Underground train.


Armed British police officers stand on duty outside Parsons Green underground tube station in west London on September 15, 2017, following an incident on an underground tube carriage at the station. Police and ambulance services said they were responding to an

Police officers escort members of the public out of their inner cordon as they work near Parsons Green underground tube station in west London on September 15, 2017, following an incident on an underground tube carriage at the station. Police and ambulance services said they were responding to an

AFP PHOTo/Scanpix

Police officers escort members of the public out of their inner cordon as they work near Parsons Green underground tube station in west London on September 15, 2017, following an incident on an underground tube carriage at the station. Police and ambulance services said they were responding to an


Members of the emergency services work near Parsons Green underground tube station in west London on September 15, 2017, following an incident on an underground tube carriage at the station. Police and ambulance services said they were responding to an


In this aerial image made from video, forensic officers work at the Parsons Green Underground Station after an explosion in London Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. A reported explosion at a train station sent commuters stampeding in panic, injuring several people at the height of London's morning rush hour, and police said they were investigating it as a terrorist attack. (Pool via AP)


In this image made from video, a woman with blankets wrapped around her is being escorted  by emergency services near the scene of an explosion in London Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. A reported explosion at a train station sent commuters stampeding in panic, injuring several people at the height of London's morning rush hour, and police said they were investigating it as a terrorist attack. (Sky via AP)


In this aerial image made from video, emergency workers help people to disembark a train near the Parsons Green Underground Station after an explosion in London Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. A reported explosion at a train station sent commuters stampeding in panic, injuring several people at the height of London's morning rush hour, and police said they were investigating it as a terrorist attack. (Pool via AP)


This is an image made from video showing burning items in underground train at the scene of an explosion in London Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. A reported explosion at a train station sent commuters stampeding in panic, injuring several people at the height of London's morning rush hour, and police said they were investigating it as a terrorist attack. (Sylvain Pennec via AP)
