Проститься. Цветы артистам и врачу, погибшим в авиакатастрофе Спектр
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Проститься. Цветы артистам и врачу, погибшим в авиакатастрофе

25 декабря в результате крушения принадлежащего Министерству обороны самолета погибли 92 человека. Среди находившихся на борту — журналисты телеканала «Звезда» и Первого канала, артисты Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова, исполнительный директор фонда «Справедливая помощь» Елизавета Глинка, известная как Доктор Лиза.

В настоящее время в море работают спасатели, которые поднимают на судно тела погибших. Операцией руководит лично глава Минобороны Сергей Шойгу. Подняты тела 12 погибших. Бортовые самописцы пока не найдены.

По предварительным данным, причиной крушения самолета могли стать техническая неисправность или ошибка пилота. Ранее упавший самолет подвергся трем капитальным ремонтам. Версия теракта также рассматривается, но не считается основной.

Воздушное судно направлялось на сирийскую авиабазу Хмеймим. Там Ансамбль песни и пляски имени Александрова должен был выступить с концертом перед российскими военнослужащими. Елизвета Глинка сопровождала гуманитарный груз для университетского госпиталя Тишрин в Сирии.

Ансамбль был зачислен в ряды армии 1 декабря 1928 года. В настоящее время в него входят 150 профессиональных артистов. Художественным руководителем ансамбля являлся генерал-лейтенант Валерий Халилов, который тоже погиб. В репертуаре коллектива более двух тысяч произведений, в числе которых народные песни и танцы, солдатские пляски, классические произведения русских и зарубежных композиторов, шедевры мировой эстрады и другие песни. Ансамбль регулярно выступал с концертами в различных горячих точках.

Фонд «Справедливая помощь» был основан Елизаветой Глинкой в 2007 году. В 2010 году он осуществлял материальную помощь пострадавшим в результате лесных пожаров. Также фонд оказывал помощь бездомным, смертельно больным, а также одиноким пенсионерам и инвалидам.

В 2014 году  Доктор Лиза приняла активное участие в оказании помощи жителям самопровозглашенных Донецкой и Луганской народный республик, а также детям, пострадавшим во время военных действий на Украине.

С 2015 года Глинка регулярно занималась доставкой медикаментов в Сирию.

Люди приносят цветы в память о погибших.

People pay tribute to passengers and crew members of Russian military Tu-154 plane crashed into the Black Sea, near a makeshift memorial outside the headquarters of the Alexandrov Ensemble, also known as the Red Army Choir, in Moscow, Russia December 25, 2016.  REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото REUTERS/Scanpix

A picture and flowers are seen at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow on December 25, 2016. The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото REUTERS/Scanpix

A man lays flowers at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow on December 25, 2016. The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

People lay flowers at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

Children lay flowers at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

Two girls lay flowers at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

A woman lays flowers at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

A picture shows a portrait of Valery Khalilov, Chief conductor and artistic director of Alexandrov song and dance ensemble placed next to candles, flowers and a drawing of a plane at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / ALEXANDER UTKIN

Художественным руководителем ансамбля являлся генерал-лейтенант Валерий Халилов, который тоже погиб. Фото AFP PHOTO / Scanpix

A woman lays flowers at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

A picture shows candles and flowers layed at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

A man lays flowers at the home stage building of the Alexandrov Ensemble (The Red Army Choir), in Moscow, on December 25, 2016, after a Russian military plane which included dozens of Red Army Choir members crashed.  The Russian military plane crashed on its way to Syria on December 25, with no sign of survivors among the 92 onboard, who included dozens of Red Army Choir members heading to celebrate the New Year with troops. Russia's defence ministry said a body had been recovered from the Black Sea. / AFP PHOTO / Alexander UTKIN

Люди приходят с цветами к зданию главного управления Ансамбля песни и пляски имени Александрова. Фото AFP PHOTO /Scanpix

Flower tributes in front of portraits of Russian TV journalists who were aboard the crashes military plane, displayed in Moscow, Russia, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2016. A Russian plane carrying 92 people to an air base in Syria crashed Sunday into the Black Sea minutes after taking off from the city of Sochi, Russia's Defense Ministry said. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Погибшие в авиакатастрофе журналисты. Фото AP Photo/Scanpix

Flowers and candles are placed at the well-known military choir's building in Moscow, Russia, Sunday, Dec. 25, 2016, after a plane carrying 64 members of the Alexandrov Ensemble, crashed into the Black Sea minutes after taking off from the resort city of Sochi. The Russian plane was headed for an air base in Syria with 92 people aboard, Russia's Defense Ministry said. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin)

Фото AP Photo/Scanpix