Идеальный Гоша. Церемония прощания с Алексеем Баталовым в фото Спектр
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Идеальный Гоша. Церемония прощания с Алексеем Баталовым в фото

TASS/Scanpix TASS/Scanpix

В Большом зале Центрального дома кинематографистов (ЦДК) в Москве прошла церемония прощания с известным российским актером и режиссером Алексеем Баталовым, скончавшимся 15 июня.

Около входа в здание собрались сотни граждан, которые пришли проводить в последний путь актера. Со сцены Большого зала, где стоит гроб, с речами выступили певец и депутат Госдумы Иосиф Кобзон, актер Николай Бурляев, родственники Баталова, режиссер Владимир Меньшов, актриса Вера Алентова и другие известные деятели культуры.

Баталов скончался во сне в возрасте 89 лет. Последние пять месяцев актер находился в больнице после того, как сломал шейку бедра.

Алексей Баталов снялся в таких фильмах как «Летят журавли», «Москва слезам не верит», «Дело Румянцева» и другие.

Он будет похоронен на Преображенском кладбище в Москве.

3133629 06/19/2017 A line of people near the House of Cinema during the farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik

Сотни людей пришли попрощаться с Алексеем Баталовым. Фото Sputnik/Scanpix

3133634 06/19/2017 Iosif Kobzon, first deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee for Culture, with Valentina Tereshkova, deputy chairman of a committee of the Russian State Duma, during the farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov in the Grand Hall of the House of Cinema. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik

Иосиф Кобзон и Валентина Терешкова. Фото Sputnik/Scanpix

3133636 06/19/2017 Yevgeny Gerasimov, chairman of the Committee for Culture at the Moscow City Duma, actor and director, during the farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov in the Grand Hall of the House of Cinema. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik

Евгений Герасимов, глава комитета Мосгордумы по культуре. Фото Sputnik/Scanpix

3133637 06/19/2017 Yevgeny Gerasimov, center, chairman of the Committee for Culture at the Moscow City Duma, actor and director, speaks during the farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov in the Grand Hall of the House of Cinema. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik

Фото Sputnik/Scanpix

3133639 06/19/2017 The farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov in the Grand Hall of the House of Cinema. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik


3133643 06/19/2017 Iosif Kobzon, first deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee for Culture, during the farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov in the Grand Hall of the House of Cinema. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik

Иосиф Кобзон. Фото Sputnik/Scanpix

3133648 06/19/2017 Nikolai Burlyayev, center, deputy chairman of the Public Council at the Russian Culture Ministry, speaks during the farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov in the Grand Hall of the House of Cinema. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik

Актер Николай Бурляев. Фото Sputnik/Scanpix

3133665 06/19/2017 Animation artist and director Yury Norshtein, center, speaks at the farewell ceremony for actor Alexei Batalov in the Grand Hall of the House of Cinema. Sergey Pyatakov/Sputnik

Мультипликатор Юрий Норштейн. Фото Sputnik/Scanpix

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – JUNE 19, 2017: Actress Vera Alentova (L) and film director Vladimir Menshov at a mourning ceremony for Russian actor Alexei Batalov at Moscow's House of Cinema. Batalov starred in The Cranes Are Flying (1957) and Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears (1980). Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Вера Алентова и Владимир Меньшов. Фото TASS/Scanpix

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – JUNE 19, 2017: Naina Yeltsina (2nd L), the widow of first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, pays last respects to Russian actor Alexei Batalov at a mourning ceremony at Moscow's House of Cinema. Batalov starred in The Cranes Are Flying (1957) and Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears (1980). Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Вдова первого президента РФ Наина Ельцина. Фото TASS/Scanpix

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – JUNE 19, 2017: Batalov's widow Gitana Leontenko (2nd L) and actor Natalya Drozhzhina (3rd L) at a mourning ceremony for Russian actor Alexei Batalov at Moscow's House of Cinema. Batalov starred in The Cranes Are Flying (1957) and Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears (1980). Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Вдова Баталова ГИтана Леонтенко и актриса Наталья ДРожжина. Фото TASS/Scanpix

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – JUNE 19, 2017: A mourning ceremony for Russian actor Alexei Batalov at Moscow's House of Cinema. Batalov starred in The Cranes Are Flying (1957) and Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears (1980). Valery Sharifulin/TASS
